Fighting Sin and Demons
I'm finally back. It seems I have been on vacation all month. This last trip we took was really great. Five days in California with Junior High students I didn't have to chaperone because there were 4 other adults to do that. Kathy and I were just along for the ride. I even read a complete novel out loud in the van during the trip. I read House by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker. It was the second time this year. The kids loved it. Heck, I even enjoyed it more the second time than I did the first.I don't know, I've been thinking. My head swims a little when I surf from blog to blog and read so much doubt and question concerning things like prayer, Truth, grace and God. I know it's good to question and search and I welcome that. But, somehow I get so darn analytical that it seems a bit silly. The more I listen to doubts and commentaries, the further away from reality I get, like I'm tripping out.
House reminded me again that there are such things as evil spirits. People often allow their demons (sins) to keep them from the light. In fact, demons and our sins will work to bring death in us if we fail to stand up to them in Christ's authority.
I think that we fail to recognize these forces of darkness on a regular basis. Maybe we don't want to be thought of as a cookoo? But, the Scripture clearly teaches that they exist. "Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms." - Ephesians 6:11-12
So, speculating whether God is at work in us or our prayers seems kind of naive. If there are authorities fighting against us, then surely God is fighting back with us. In fact, that whole Ephesians passage admonishes believers to pray in the power of the Holy Spirit. Then, Paul asks for people to pray for him to receive the right words from God, and to have boldness. Surely God could do these things without prayer. But, prayer is the method of God's choosing.
I think that all of the problems we face today are due to a lack of prayer, not the reverse. Men and women don't pray enough. They don't fight against the enemy. They stand and take the fiery darts. What they don't realize is that their sins and the Devil are killing them. They blame their troubles instead on flesh and blood.