Thursday, October 04, 2007

Letting go...

So, I'm gonna start putting into practice all the stuff I've "believed" about my responsibilities as a pastor. I mean, really put it into practice. I can't say I truly believe something unless I act upon it, right?

I'm gonna let go of control and worry. I'm giving away "my" job as a youth pastor.

For the longest time I've been operating "my" area of ministry with only necessary help, because I couldn't "do it all." That life is over for me. I'm taking a stand and I'm going to refuse to do things that way anymore. I might take some heat at first, but there's no other way.
You may have heard the statement, "Let go and let God." I'm taking it one step further and I'm letting go and letting the people of God.


Jason said...

Equip the saints for the work of ministry.

JimmyBob said...

Exactly. I'm going to a more aggresive student-driven model. We're going to have staff meetings after school on Mondays and they are going to run the service from now on. I'm just asking for a 20 minute slot to preach...sometimes. I also started what I call "The Preacher's Guild." It's for students that feel called to preach in some way. I am going to train them and use them to speak.

It's exciting to think about the changes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pastor James:
Will keep you and the kids in my prayers. May the Lord use you as you guide them into this service. I pray that the kids will step up to the plate and rely on the Lord to help them.

JimmyBob said...

Thanks Sandy. For the last two weeks, this has worked great. We have had staff meetings each week and the students plan out the services and plug each other in to different roles. They run the service and when it's my time to come up and speak, they introduce me. In a couple of weeks I won't even be speaking. Two of the studentsa are going to tag-team preach. I'm really liking this.