I'm back...meet Oliver Brown.

Oliver Brown
Yep, Jenny has a little brother now. You can see him here, munching on some parsley. And just to give you a little perspective on his current size at around 6 weeks old, here's a shot of his mommy holding him.
We picked this little guy up at a yard sale a few weeks ago! For $12.
We were browsing around looking at an old gumball machine and VHS movies, when I spotted the bunny on the bench, lounging like a tiny puppy. It impressed me that he wasn't trying to get away in the front yard or anything. He seemed very tame and so adorable. Of course, my wife and daughter had the same thoughts, only even more. Jenny begged me to buy it, but I thought, "We can't. We don't know anything about rabbits. What if he he's sick?" He was a little dirty with crust around his eyes.
We got back into the car without the bunny and drove off in discussion. We decided that we shouldn't do it for all kinds of reasons and told my daughter our minds were made up. Once we were out on the main road, we turned at the light and headed west in search of other yard sales. Seeing the next sign, I pulled into the development and followed the arrows. It led us right back to the same yard sale.
Okay. So, I got out of my vehicle, leaving the girls behind, and went to ask some more questions. After about 10 minutes I found myself walking back to the car with the bunny in my arms, along with a small bag of pellets to feed him. No cage, nothing else. The girls were so surprised (and happy) that I actually did it. It was very unlike me.
Needless to say, we are enjoying him so much. I've almost got him trained to bring me his toy. Each time I put it near him, he picks it up with his mouth or nudges it back to me. Too cute.
Which leaves me with these thoughts and questions: God loved us so much that he bought us with his blood. He must look upon us with great admiration and delight, desiring to play with us, feed us, train us, and teach us obedience. Are we cooperating? Do we yearn for his affection? Are we trainable?
Welcome back. Uh, nice rabbit too.
joining Jason in saying Welcome Back!! Cute Rabbit!
Well to asnwer some of your questions~ I pray I have ears to hear what the Lord has to say.I pray that I listen and obey and stay faithful to the end.
Watch out for your papers~I hear rabbits like to chew papers~just thougth I would let you know that info~had a girl in college whose rabbit used to really eat her homework. Just don't let Jenn know that one.
iHey, I like that part about the "ears to hear." That was clever. Yeah, Oliver is starting to chew things more. We give him plenty of alfalfa hay and cardboard. Rabbit teeth never stop growing and they need to chew to keep them filed down (so I hear). We keep him in his cage when we're not playing with him. That way he can't bite a wire when we're not looking.
About being trainable - there are times when I listen to the Spirit better than others. I try to stay focused on the previous lessons he's taught me, but I find myself a creature of bad habbits and typical behaviors, falling into the same traps over again.
Thank God we have a wonderful Savior - Jesus Christ!
JimmyBob, took time to check your blog before my trip...that bunny is adorable and just in time for Easter! Take good care of Ollie and I'll check on you again when I return!
Oliver is adorable, but he's not as small as he was in the picture. Doesn't that bunny eat cardboard? He could eat more than Jenny's homework.... he could eat a school project! LOL!
About God... yearning for his affection? ... yeah. Trainable? ... I try to keep an open mind to whatever God has to say. Cooperating? ... I try to, but occasionally... well, lets just say it isn't an even 100% all the time.
Agreed. The camera took a few ounces off of him - contrary to popular beliefs. I think it might just be the angle. You can't see his ears and feet, etc.
He is growing so fast. Speaking of which, tonight's youth service caused me to grow as a leader. I was super focused on the stirring of the Holy Spirit. God had me speak directly to individual students and in a way prophesy over them, as well as exhort them.
Maybe I'll post about it without being too specific. We'll see.
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