Thursday, November 09, 2006

Make me like a soldier.

"In Caesarea there lived a Roman army officer named Cornelius, who was captain of the Italian Regiment. He was a devout man who feared the God of Israel, as did his entire household. He gave generously to charity and was a man who regularly prayed to God." - Acts 10:1, 2

It has been on my heart lately to pray even more for our fighting men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan. It seems that a week doesn't go by without hearing about more soldiers getting shot and killed. The war has been difficult and complicated, especially for those families who have lost someone. I can imagine that for some all the voices that oppose the war have only made it more difficult to come to grips with the "why's" and the "anger."

Many of our soldiers are like Cornelius - devout, God-fearing men. In the picture above they are obviously praying for a wounded or sick friend. Perhaps some of them began a relationship with God after they joined the military. Facing the kinds of situations they face, having God in your life is a lifesaver.

Anyway, we're sitting at home and gearing up for Thanksgiving and Christmas, enjoying our civilian lives. They are very brave to go and fight. Let's pray for their safety and sanity. God be with them. Help them to pray and rely on God. Help them to be givers, beyond the fight.

And help us too - to understand sacrifice in our lives. Let us be like that Roman army officer, finding strength in regular prayer and giving to charity.

1 comment:

ruthrap said...

JimmyBob, this is so true and with Veterans Day just a couple days away, we really need to stop and think about the sacrifices that are made daily for us to enjoy the freedoms we enjoy, including the freedom to worship. They deserve our respect and prayers!